Passion and Flow
4:00 PM16:00

Passion and Flow


In this free 90 minute workshop, you'll connect with the power of the elements in support of resourcing yourself. You'll explore through your body, as well as your mind. 

Why? Because so many of us strive in our work and passion in a way that is led by external markers of what 'effort' and 'productivity' look like. It doesn't serve us - or our passion, be that our work, our creative project, a relationship. 

Explore instead, through the lenses of fire and water, how we can rise to our passions, bring them to fruition without burning ourselves along the way. Explore how we can introduce more flow in support. 

We'll invite an exploration of FIRE that is deeply feminine as well as masculine. One that is also balanced with WATER: fluid, flexible, inviting in change and soft power. 

Workshop shape:

Welcome and guided practice to arrive in the space, exhaling the demands of the day 

Introduction to the power of working with the properties of elements

Embodied and nature-rooted exploration of FIRE

Embodied and nature-rooted exploration of WATER

Space for reflection and group share


This medicine is for you if...

some of these might feel familiar:

You do, do, do without fuelling yourself sufficiently, driven by external narratives and demands

Pushing and pushing without balance, until you fall over;

Cycles of burnout; OR

Dampening your inner fire, for fear of being ‘too much’, feeling a frustration from this;

You fear your own fire and the power of it, its potential;

A narrative of a binary choice: the world misses out on your incredible gifts, or you miss out


Lead and work from a place of passion, instead of productivity and extraction as sole drivers

Let go of the fear of ‘too much’ ness and step into your calling

Use somatic- and nature-based tools to nourish you as you bring your projects to fruition

Build a relationship with your inner fire that tends to the feminine and the masculine

Tune in, through guided practices, to the guidance of your inner fire

Create and work in a sustainable, balanced and joyful way


Rowena is an experienced facilitator and coach.

Find out more about her HERE

Find out more about her group programme Burn Brightly HERE

Past feedback from faciliated spaces:

"I feel more confident in shaping my world to ensure I am a balanced person rather than just the most productive version of myself. I have also developed strategies to help me with I feel like I am 'on fire' with work to help me get back in my body and become more capable of choosing my next steps." JT, CEO education charity

"Rowena's warmth, energy and experience as a facilitator shine through and her incredible empathy made all the difference to me" - Christine

[Our time together has been] "playful, restorative, surprising, collective"

"Today has felt... open, trust-inspiring, gentle, moving, thought-provoking, wise" - Sophie

More testimonials HERE

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Witch podcast: shared listening and exploring
7:00 PM19:00

Witch podcast: shared listening and exploring

Did you listen to the BBC podcast series Witch, in which India Rakusen explores what it means to be a witch today, delving into the historical and social contexts?

Perhaps it raised ideas or themes that you’d like to discuss with others

Perhaps you’re intrigued but haven’t yet listened, and would love an opportunity to do so collectively.

We invite you to join us in the second of 13 evening gatherings, during which we’ll collectively listen to the first episode of the BBC radio podcast Witch and then spend time discussing the theme of it. This second episode is entitled 'Natural Magic'. 

Following this, we'll gather each month to listen to the next episode. 


This gathering is open to all genders, identities and beliefs.

You don’t need to agree with all of the ideas in the series in order to join us, or identify as a witch;

the prerequisites are curiosity and a kind-hearted openness to hearing the thoughts of others.


We’re deliberately meeting once a month, on or near the new moon. Plenty of time in between for pondering and, if you want, action.

Although Raven and Rowena are both experienced facilitators and will open the space and guide the shape of it lightly, we’re keen to be as much part of the discussions as you.

As the months go on, the gathering may change shape a little, in response to feedback from the group.



Shirley House, Psalter Lane. S11 8YL
Link to Google Map

There is no parking on site but plenty of on street parking. 


What to bring with you:

  • A cushion and blanket, and anything else you’d like in order to be cosy and comfortable

  • We’ll provide some teas, but do bring along anything in particular you’d like to drink (non-alcoholic) 



Do I need to have listened to it beforehand?

No, we’ll listen together, as part of the shared experience

Do I need to identify as female and/or with witchcraft to join?

No, this is open to all genders and identities/spiritualities

Why is there a cost attached?

To pay for the cost of space hire and admin. There are three options, with an aim to be inclusive. If you can't afford any of these options but would like to join us, please do get in touch. 

Do I need to come every month?

While it’ll be great to build up a rhythm of regular people, with the familiarity and connections this creates, come as little or often as you’re able to.


Links to find out more about Rowena and Raven:

Rowena Gerrett

Raven Nielsen

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Once Around The Sun
2:00 PM14:00

Once Around The Sun

A new year workshop to connect, reflect and vision 

In the in-between days between Christmas and New Year, we invite you to join a special and spacious afternoon of guided reflection on Zoom. Together we will look back on the happenings and learnings from our last annual cycle, and begin to embody the energy of the new.

This workshop will integrate reflection, dance, meditation and journaling to digest our experiences over the four seasons past. We’ll work through cycles and elements, with plenty of time off-screen.

This is a time to bring and be your whole self, however you are that day. We welcome you to this a held space, supported by the warmth of community, to honour the importance of endings and beginnings as part of our ongoing cycle around the sun.

Please bring:

✨ Three candles

✨ Pens/crayons and paper / journal

✨ An open heart

Open and welcoming of all genders and identities.

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Summer Solstice Celebration - Peak District
7:00 PM19:00

Summer Solstice Celebration - Peak District

A glorious gathering to celebrate the Summer Solstice - fire, movement, creativity, community

As the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, and we enjoy the longest day of the year, join us as we celebrate and connect with the power of the Summer Solstice!

We gather in a woodland clearing on the edge of the Peak District, to enjoy movement, a fire, share food and drink (non-alcoholic). We celebrate the year to date, recognise the challenges, and give space to envision what we want to harvest in coming months.

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Connection and Celebration: Women and Their Girls
10:00 AM10:00

Connection and Celebration: Women and Their Girls

Space to pause, (re)connect and celebrate: a day for women and the girls in their lives

This is a special gathering of women and the girls in their lives.

These recent months may have been about learning, growing, strengthening, challenging, demanding, shifting, stretching, asking, giving. They have held A LOT.

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