burn brightly
Seven weeks // Beginning late summer 2024
Weekly live online group calls // 2 x 1:1 coaching sessions with me
Maximum 12 participants | Group space for engagement and support
£400 - instalments available
in these urgent times,
Build a sustainable relationship with your inner fire to be a force of change and kindness in the world,
without sacrificing yourself
Our inner fire: our passion, our tenacity, our deep-knowing that guides us
Feel familiar?
You do, do, do without fuelling yourself sufficiently, driven by external narratives and demands
Pushing and pushing without balance, until you fall over;
Cycles of burnout; OR
Dampening your inner fire, for fear of being ‘too much’, feeling a frustration from this;
You fear your own fire and the power of it, its potential;
A narrative of a binary choice: the world misses out on your incredible gifts, or you miss out
Lead and work from a place of passion, instead of productivity and extraction as sole drivers
Let go of the fear of ‘too much’ ness and step into your calling
Use somatic- and nature-based tools to nourish you as you bring your projects to fruition
Build a relationship with your inner fire that tends to the feminine and the masculine
Tune in, through guided practices, to the guidance of your inner fire
Create and work in a sustainable, balanced and joyful way
Feel energised and balanced
Live and work led by purpose, rather than ‘shoulds’
Expand and explore, within a connected way of being
This is for you if:
You’re heartfelt and passionate about your work and life. You want to be able to keep doing what you believe in, without exhausting or brutalising yourself in the process.
You’re a leader (your version of this), change-maker, or entrepreneur and you’re committed to doing things differently from the mainstream capitalist narrative
You have an incredible project, idea or resource that needs to be brought into the world: you know you want to stoke your inner fire so that the world can benefit from it.
You want to embrace your yang energy without doing it in an overtly- or hyper-masculine way
Your energy is rising and you want to work with it in a way that sustains rather than burns out
Cycles of power, creation and burn-out feel familiar
You want to explore through connection to your body and to the natural world
You need to create more space to replenish, reconnect, recharge, re-orientate
You have a specific project in mind, whether work or life, and want to bring it to fruition or you want to continue to build and grow in a more holistic and balanced way
You want to work in a way that engenders greater self-compassion and self-belief
You want your fire to ROAR in YOUR own way
Fire. The element of creation, of destruction, of potency.
the face you’ll see, welcoming you
modules outline:
Week 1: Rekindling Enquiry:
Exploring our relationships with our inner fire - and establishing our circle
Week 2: Foundations and Narratives:
What has shaped us to this point?
Week 3: Fuelling our Inner Fires:
What resources do we need?
Week 4: The Spark:
What ignites our passion and our joy?
Week 5: Our Own Roar:
Listening to and trusting our own inner fire
Week 6: Balance:
Creating pathways to honour and feed our fire in a sustainable way
Week 7: Celebration:
Dancing with our fire and celebrating what it brings to us and those around us
2 x 1:1 coaching sessions:
Booked in by you, over the course of the seven weeks or up to two months afterwards
“Session 6 was incredibly powerful - the music immersion followed by writing prompts - this was revelatory and the prompts are definitely something I will be returning to.
“Rowena has the ability to listen and reflect in a profound and succinct way, that even my mad ramblings make sense! She has an incredible scope of skills, which means that she can go to the heart of the issue with compassion and insight. Rowena is an absolute gem and full of sparkle.”
what will it look like?
Seven sessions, starting late summer 2024
Tuesdays: 16.00 BST (UK) // 17.00 CEST (Central Europe) // 11.00 EDT (US Eastern)
Weekly 90 minute online gatherings with our group - part coaching and part peer discussion and support
Two 1:1 coaching sessions with me - at a time of your choosing during the course, or up to two months after completion- normally priced at £100/hour
Group limited to 12 people | Join us from anywhere
No ‘homework’ - but plenty of guidance for following your smoke in your own time
Combine somatic practices (exploring and practising through the body) with nature-connection, and cognitive practices - plus a little magic
The timing is very purposefully in this season of outward energy and growth, beginning after Beltane, a time to connect with our wildness, our passion.We complete soon after the Summer Solstice, a point of celebration and harvest.
Explore with intention, sustainable energy and purpose, with the support of me, practical, research-proven tools, and an amazing group of women.
Follow Your Smoke
Re-imagine your fire
Re-tell your narrative
Re-wild yourself
Working with our bodies, our whole selves
Learning from nature
Informed by neuro-science
Informed by intuition and learned wisdom
what’s your investment?
Most importantly: yourself, your energy and your time
Cost: £400
Includes seven small-group sessions, recordings, 2 x 1:1 coaching, curated shared online space
Instalment options:
Instalment Option 1: £100 / £100 / £100 / £100
Instalment Option 2: £150 / £125 / £125
I don’t charge you more for paying in instalments: that’s not ethical business in my mind
If you’re looking at this, you know it’s what you need and it’s out of reach to you, please do CONTACT ME
Will this programme make me more productive?
Productivity won’t be our focus: instead, you’ll find you’re more creative and sustained in areas that feels important to you, including those that have probably been sidelined until now.
Neither will we provide you with the one ‘correct’ way to engage with your fire - instead we’ll enquire together, learn from each other.
We’ll work with our nervous systems, including a session where we do this explicitly. You won’t be asked to move out of your window of tolerance - yes, we’ll stretch, explore and be in the unfamiliar and perhaps uncomfortable at times, but you’re in charge of your experience
Will everyone in the group be doing the same kind of work or come from the same background?
No, because this isn’t about what you do, it’s about how you do it: it’s about your relationship with yourself and with the world around you.
I’m neurodivergent, will this programme work for me?
While not designed specifically for neurodivergents, the programme is designed in a way to be neurodivergence-aware and -supportive, especially for women with ADHD. Neurodivergent people are creative and innovative and I feel excited and privileged that I get to support the people I work with in bringing amazing projects to fruition.
How many people will be in the group?
A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 12
I’m not sure about online programmes: will it feel engaging enough?
I have a wealth of experience in online facilitation, coaching and teaching. We’ll work with our bodies, with tactics to help us connect intimately over the ‘airwaves’, and there’ll be plenty of time away from the screen. People regularly feed back to me about their surprise at the strength of connection that we form via this medium.
Will sessions be recorded?
Yes, all sessions will be recorded and available to you via a private shared space
Why is this cheaper than a lot of programmes of this kind?
I’ve consciously costed this at a level that I hope will make it more widely accessible to amazing women doing all kinds of powerful, essential work in our world.
I know my value, it’s not priced more reasonably because I don’t. Simply, I believe that many programmes are over-priced and over-promising and that’s not how I operate, in my work or any other part of my life.