We all reach points in life when we want to choose a new path or change how we travel along the one we’re on.
There is no ‘return to normal’, and neither do you want it. Let’s forge new paths, sustainable, nurturing, heart-led
Free 60 minute conversation, to learn more about working with me 1:1 and for us each to find out if we’re a good ‘fit’
A stand-alone deep-dive coaching session. It's for you if you've worked with me before and want to check-in, or you have a very specific issue to work with one-off
I trust you to know what you need - and am here to hold the space for you to connect and explore
I work with women, amazing women, who are passionate about what they do. Who work to make positive change happen, and create and nurture communities.
Women who are often so busy ‘doing’, that they lose connection with themselves and with the natural world around them.
I will help you to bring connection, trust and structure:
By tuning into natural rhythms, within our selves and within the world around us
By utilising embodiment techniques to connect mind and body
By using evidence-based techniques from psychology and neuroscience
By bringing together learnings from training in ecotherapy and deep personal exploration of our natural world
walking alongside you:
I am a trained and experienced coach. I hold a counselling skills qualification. I am a qualified and experienced outdoors leader. I am an experienced facilitator and teacher, and…
I’ve been there myself. I have explored, and run, and sat, and written, and listened, and shifted and enquired, and asked, and howled, and laughed, and cried. And continue to do so.
I will:
Listen – without judgement and without agenda
Hold a space that feels safe and open for you to bring your whole self
Provide practical tools and ideas for you to put into practice
Provide accountability
Be honest and congruent
Expect you to take the lead, with me walking beside you
Bring kindness
Bring truthfulness – I’ll call you out on something if it feels needed!
Be responsive to your needs and your feedback
Work with you outdoor, if you’re open to that
Build somatic (body) and nature connection into the way is a strong part of the way in which I work, as a way of being and as a tool to ground yourself.
How we can work together
I work on a subscription model. This looks like:
Option 1
- weekly 60 minute calls
- support between calls via whatsapp voicemails and email
- the opportunity to join my one-off workshops for free
- minimum three month commitment, moving to rolling subscription
- cost: £400 month
Option 2
- fortnightly 60 minute calls
- support between calls via whatsapp voicemails and email
- the opportunity to join my one-off workshops for free
- minimum three month commitment, moving to rolling subscription
- cost: £200 month
You don’t have to do this on your own
It’s absolutely okay to need cheerleaders – in fact, it’s a necessity in life. They come in all shapes and sizes, and I am well-equipped to be someone who can walk alongside you and help you navigate the changes you know you want to make.
I love that my CV is the multi-coloured entity that it is – it’s a journey of exploration and inquisitiveness. It is one of the key reasons I am the strong, flexible and dynamic practitioner that I am today.
I promise to honour all of your intelligences: emotional, intellectual, intuitive and spiritual – and to help you to do the same.