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Once Around The Sun

A new year workshop to connect, reflect and vision 

In the in-between days between Christmas and New Year, we invite you to join a special and spacious afternoon of guided reflection on Zoom. Together we will look back on the happenings and learnings from our last annual cycle, and begin to embody the energy of the new.

This workshop will integrate reflection, dance, meditation and journaling to digest our experiences over the four seasons past. We’ll work through cycles and elements, with plenty of time off-screen.

This is a time to bring and be your whole self, however you are that day. We welcome you to this a held space, supported by the warmth of community, to honour the importance of endings and beginnings as part of our ongoing cycle around the sun.

Please bring:

✨ Three candles

✨ Pens/crayons and paper / journal

✨ An open heart

Open and welcoming of all genders and identities.