Connecting With the Power of Emerging Energy

It’s the end of January and here in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re just starting to feel the first tinglings of new energy, as we begin to emerge from our Winter darkness and Spring peeks through. Next week, following the wheel of the year, we celebrate Imbolc.


The next few months are my favourite in the annual cycle (though I’m a big fan of the warmth of summer). The days are getting longer, and will continue to do so for months to come.


The slowness of winter, so needed and so valid, starts to yawn awake. The life that has been resting for the past few months is ready to begin moving into growth. The dreams that have been percolating can stir into shape.


This is a time of ‘what if?’, a time of new beginnings, and of all the excitement and also vulnerability that can come with them.


For me, as someone who is working to reframe an ‘all or nothing’ pattern, I’m aware that I can sometimes try to start running full pelt at my projects as soon as I feel this awakening. So, I’m asking, how can I be with this rising energy in an exciting AND sustainable way.


How might we be with this emergent energy?



Get Outside

We’re more inclined to spend our time indoors during the winter months and we might now begin to spend more of it outdoors – still wrapped up well! Creating time to be outside in the natural world each day at this time of year (well, all times of year, really!) can help us to connect with the shifting energy. Noticing the tiny buds on trees, the small shoots of grass coming up through mulching leaves, and of course the snowdrops as the first signs of growth. Whether this is in your garden, your local park, a wider wilderness, being outdoors will help introduce some new energy.


Create space

Life is busy. It’s demanding. There can be lots of people needing and wanting our time. Which makes it even more important that we intentionally carve out the time to reflect, to dream and consider where we are and where we’d like to go. I used to baulk at the idea of scheduling in time for walks, for journaling, for meditating. I realised though, and this isn’t a brand new idea, that putting it into my calendar was the way to make it happen.



We often feel depleted at the end of winter. And, my goodness, what a winter, in so many ways. The nourishment we need is different for each of us, but there is some common ground. Drinking enough water and eating good food; getting out into the light each day (whatever it might look like); connecting and co-regulating with others. For me, it also includes running, music, and jumping into bodies of cold water! If there was one small change that you could make, to help you feel a little more nourished right now, what might it be?


Get creative

Whether this is journaling, drawing, dancing, or any other form of creativity, this is a powerful way to connect with the emerging energy at this time of year. Despite it being almost the law (I jest) that as a coach, I have a vision board, I haven’t created a visual one for a couple of years. Next week, I’m gathering with a couple of good friends and we’re spending an evening making our 2023 vision boards.


Name it, share it, celebrate it

Whatever is alive for you that you’d like to bring into your 2023, consciously giving voice to it will make it much more likely to come into being. Writing it down is a great part of this, and the next step can be to share it with others. This might be family, friends or a support network that you’re part of. The more we speak something, we give it life, energy and we build an intentionality and an accountability. This year, my passion project is ‘40at40’. As I turn 40, I’m planning a podcast series, in which I interview 40 women also born in 1983 about themes such as visibility, power, success, loss. I’m telling as many people about it as possible – including you! – in order to make it more likely to happen!


Shape your sustainable structure

This year, I’m working on being with the emerging energy, experiencing it, harnessing it, and also allowing the ebb and flow of ‘doing’ and ‘being’ to remain. I’m working on creating fertile soil, in the form of processes and skill-building, for my ideas, so that I am creating a longevity and sustainable nature to my 2023 creations. One of the ways I’m doing this is creating more structure in my weeks, something that I’ve continued to work on since leaving full-time employment; I’ve joined a business mastermind group, in part for new skills and community, and in part for the regularity and accountability of contact. I’ve re-introduced my morning ‘intuitive movement’ time and my meditation. What would support you?



I’d love to hear how this has resonated with you and about what is emerging for you.  


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