Deepen and Dream

We're at the darkest point of the year, in the Northern Hemisphere, about to reach the Winter Solstice. And the point at which we turn back towards the sun, slowing feeling its energy grow and the days lengthen.

We’re at a time for slowness, deepening our inner explorations: a time for dreaming and visioning.

In the natural world around us, much lies dormant. But it's not that nothing is happening.

It's in the spaces that we create, the rest, the 'being', that we might notice and listen in to what the darkness has to reveal to us, or within us. In these spaces, visions are born, ideas percolate, connections grow.

January is often defined as a time for action, for new resolutions and manifesting.

How would it be if we instead allowed the space, allowed the regeneration, allowed the laying down of roots of ideas, without straining or pushing them into being?

We are often surprised at what arises when we truly honour this part of the creative cycle, this part of the seasons, of life.

How might we create these spaces?

How might we be with intentionality, in a gentle and nourishing way?

How might we be open to curiosity, to the unknown?

How might we also nurture play and lightness, as balance?

A starting point might be creating a regular space for yourself - a time without distractions, without electronic devices, preferably without electric light.

You might step into this space with a specific question, or simply ‘be’ and see what arises.

Drop your breath down into belly.

Place a hand on your belly or your chest.

Listen in.

Meet each thought as it is, without a need to judge or answer it.

You might find that movement is the way that you access your visions. Walking outside, swimming in water. I invite to notice the difference between ‘dreaming’ and ‘planning’ or ‘problem solving’. If you need to, you might try re-connection with the openness of the dream by slowing your body and your breath, asking the question ‘what would like to emerge into this space?

I’d love to hear how these ideas have landed with you.

Rowena x

If you feel drawn to approach your beginning of 2023 in this way, I invite you to join my membership programme, where we’ll be exploring these themes together.

Let's delve into enquiry, welcoming each experience as it is.

Rowena Gerrett